
(got it off tumblr)


The human mind's a scary thing,
At times it's calm as day,
Other days it's like a storm hit,
Thoughts thrown about, screwed and messed up,
and all you're left with is a disaster closeup.

One only you can clean up,
but can you really?
You struggle you cry you fight it,
but it doesn't really go away does it.

Maybe one day its gone and your minds silent,
and you're in love with the way it feels,
you know,
the unusual calmness thats more than you've ever wanted ,
its finally yours to hold,
you know.

And then before you know it,
its taken away again.
Your head feels like its been split,
whatever held those thoughts back didn't brace it,
didn't brace the weight of the world that hit it,
didn't brace the fear of reality that bit it,
so you embrace it.

And you sit there struggling,
thinking theres not anything else to do.
Eyes shut tight,
lips red from your bite,
your hands tremble and your knees shake,
you say "it's too much for me to take".

A blade to the arm,
scars and blood to the ground.
A gun to the head,
heavy body on the bed.

Thats the reality of it,
most people don't take these things seriously like others do,
and i wonder why?
why should mental diseases be of less importance to any other, why?
why should it be incomparable to any other, sigh.

It's all just the same isn't it,
why do people turn a blind eye towards it,
invisible diseases thats just what you call it,
but just because you can't see it doesn't mean it's not real does it?

So many out there are suffering,
so many so young so fragile yet so done.
They had a life to look forward to,
they got caught up captured held back,
and instead of help, they're attacked,
by people who thought they were whack.

They're left cracked and broken with nobody but themselves,
they ain't got anyone to be there for them day and night,
no one to listen or hear,
no one to wipe their tears.

The world closes in on them,
everything seems so dark so dull so far away from reach for them.
Everything anyone said has became as if part of a speech,
their words weren't real.

They weren't understanding, they didn't really care, they said it for the sake of it,
but they couldn't fool us,
people like us, we could tell it.
Because the difference between you and us is that we have compassion,
we care, we're real,
because we experienced a world of pain you didn't,
you and your mind sealed the deal,
while ours was forgotten.


Good morning! x

So, it's yet again one of those mornings where I'm filled with things like these (I'm not sure what to call it nor how to explain it). Similar to my 7 am post (here), I decided what's better than to write it all out here because what a waste it would be if I had forgotten all these things I wanted to say.

Titled it Mind-tality because it relates the problems people can have involving their minds/mental diseases to the mentality that majority of people still have about it being unimportant or an insignificant problem.

It really is the sad truth that it still is looked down upon that way considering the amount of people, especially young teens that are affected by it. Not only are they left battling against their own monsters but sometimes are battling with bullies/people around who treat them different or as an outcast just because they are different in a way. Maybe if the mentality was different, we could've helped people better and the amount of affect it has would drop.

Then again, people who show it aren't the only one affected. There are people out there who look as if they themselves were a drop of sunshine, living a great life, possessing the ability to smile and laugh at everything but are actually broken and suffering on the inside. Nobody will ever know because they don't want anybody to. They have on a mask on themselves that's so realistic that you can never get through unless they let you. Unless they take it off. Unless they trust you enough to.

People either choose to hide or confide.


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