a little note to self


"I am in charge of how I feel and today I am choosing happiness."
-not sure who's quote this is

Sometimes, you just feel like you're just a drag and that everything you do is a drag. Doing things as if they don't matter anymore; looking like all the emotions have been pulled right out of you. It doesn't feel good. Then, you're just left there looking for someone to bring you back up. You hold out your hand but nobody grabs. So, you feel worse. Thinking that no one really cares about you. Whether that's true or not, it depends, but what's truly important is that you realize that it shouldn't matter. You're the key to your own happiness. You don't need anyone else to keep you happy. If you are able to realize that, then you're taking a chunk of trouble out of your life.

Saying that, I still think your surrounding and people you're with do influence how you're feeling and there's nothing wrong with that. If you have someone who makes you happy, then good. If you're a source of someone else's happiness, then even better.

Occasionally, I dream of being someone who radiates happiness. In a way, I wanted to be someone who could bring smiles to people's faces even when they're facing hard times. The possibilities that it'll ever happen though, sadly, isn't high. Making someone happy is pretty hard. Although, if I could succeed in providing happiness just for a single person, that'd be enough.

So, here's a little reminder for me to always be kind hearted to anybody I meet and know. I might not know what they're facing and how their day has gone but who knows, maybe the simplest thing as a smile could make their whole day. I don't have to know their story to determine how I'd treat them. xx


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