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The great thing about getting older is that you don't lose all the other ages you've been.
- Madeleine L'Engle
Today is the 8th of March which means I've finally turned 18!
First baby age in the age of adulthood. Oh lord, in two years I'd be 20 and in a couple of years I'd be 30 and I'm not ready for that reality of workload and responsibilities. With that, I promise myself to live the next 2 years of my semi-adulthood age at 18 and 19 to my fullest before having to worry about briefcases or taxes or whatever adults worry about other than having kids.
Basically, I stayed up past midnight last night just to feel the niceness of my turning of age. Replied to a couple of birthday wishes, and the k.o-ed. I was pretty drained from all that happened yesterday which I don't feel the need to talk about but to condense it into two words would be: Sad and Hot. However, from yesterday, I learnt that I should constantly remind myself every year I turn older that I need to be thankful for this other year that God has given me to live because you'll never know when your last would be and you definitely would not want to waste it doing anything that'll ruin your life. Life's been given to you to make goods for both yourself and the people around you.
Having your birthday on a Tuesday means that you can't really go out to celebrate or anything since the rest of your family is in school or at work lol. Really, I don't mind though. I'm not the kind of person who throws birthday parties anyway. In fact, I don't even remember the last time I even had one. It was most probably the one where I turned one which was back in 1999 because that's the only photo I could find proof of any sort of party. It's a cute photo of me being carried by mum and my older cousin blowing out the candles on my cake because the one year old obviously can't do that for herself innit.
I can say that being 17 was a tough age to be. Still, at least it wasn't as bad as when I was 16, which was the when my life was in a rough patch. At 17, I obviously had a lot of responsibilities with being a high school senior and having major exams at the end of the year = tons of studying and schoolwork. But what made it tough was the sadness and pain that came with some things that happened personally. I lost 3 elderly family members that I obviously loved even though I wouldn't consider myself close to them. 2 out of 3 of them passed whilst I was in school so I had to be brought home in the midst of a school day twice. Once during my trial exams and the other on the morning before prom. Sigh, life is what it is; short and sweet if you make it.
Anyway on a more positive note, I made lots of new friends at 17, mostly online because the lazy arse I am doesn't like going outside. Still, friends are still friends no matter where you meet them, right? Plus, I'd have the chance to make tons more new friends in real life when I go into college next week. Only a week left till I'm back to being a student again. Woah, I'm not sure how to feel about that. Mostly excited with a tinge of anxiety.
I pray that 2016 and being 18 goes well for me and everyone else turning 18 this year too. May new opportunities and doors be open to us for adventures and improvement, and that if anything rough happens, we'd be tough through it all. Sending major love to everyone out there! xx
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