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"Change is the end result of all true learning."
- Leo Buscaglia
It's the 4 of March which means that SPM results day has officially ended. To other people who haven't sat for SPM exams, I can tell you that results day cause your nerves to go absolutely mental. I actually woke up at 4 in the morning which was far too early since I had to be at school only by 11. So instead, I just sat in the dark trying to calm myself down. I whatsapped some some of my friends as well just to see if they were awake too and they were lol. To be honest, I've never been so freaked about exam results as I've been yesterday. Here in Malaysia, we have 3 different major exams and the past 2 didn't wreck me up at all but I guess it's logical. The 3rd one is obviously the biggest and most important one out of the 3 so it would make sense to want to get the best results out of that one.
Anyway, after spending like 2 hours lying around, I just got up to lounge on the rocking chair in the living room because that thing calms me down like nothing else. It's like being the baby in 'Rock a Bye Baby' except you're not being blown by wind and risk falling out of a tree. (Who puts their baby's cradle hanging on a tree?) So I just spent the next 2 hours there then I took a long shower and sang one too many Arctic Monkeys songs in the process. I tried having some breakfast afterwards of fried noodles and 'keropok' but my throat and body was like nope which resulted in a complete waste of good full plate of noodles. I just felt like vomiting every time I tried to swallow food so I gave up till it was around 10 and my stomach felt like it was hungry again. This time, I tried taking a simple bowl of cereal and milk which went so much better. I never actually noticed how hungry I was until after I got my results and my brain wasn't so distracted as it was before.
Bla bla bla waited for my dad to come home after sending my brother to school and mum to work bla bla bla waited dad to say "let's go."bla bla bla got ready and wore my old/new favourite lip products of all time which were NYX's soft matte lip cream in Antwerp and Buenos Aires which also happen to be cruelty-free products so that's a big plus on my list of amazing things in life. I can't bring myself to consciously buy products that aren't cruelty-free anymore after doing some web searches about it and seeing how sick and torturing it was (and probably is) towards those poor little animals. Say no to animal testing, my friends. To be honest, I could rant about how much I love animals like there's no tomorrow.
Continuing on, I arrived at school around 10.30 am and got out to meet my friends that were already there waiting outside the library. We were still pretty early though so it ended up just being 5 out of the 20 of us. Yes, there's only a total of 20 of us taking SPM at my school. We do have other Form 5 classes but they're in the international side of things so we only have one class of national Form 5's. After around 15 minutes of just sitting and talking outside with some of our old teachers, they made us go into the library and alas there they were, our result slips. All neatly being pulled out and sorted by the Vice Principal. A teacher then announced some analysing which told us how many percent passed the exams for each subject and how many people failed which were hellaaaaaa nerve wrecking. Then suddenly, bam it's done. Time to give away the result slips. The first three people were just given theirs by the Vice Principal but when it came to my turn, I actually paced back and forth from my seat to their table because they called my name but then told me to wait then called me again then told me to wait. In the end it was because they wanted to call in Mr. Paul who to be honest I'm not quite sure is or is not the principal of the school lol. So, I had my slip given to me by him followed by multiple "Congratulations Sarah, congratulations."
I didn't get the best of the best results in the world but it was the best I could've done at the time and I was legitimately proud of what I got and saw in my hands. More so because I actually got an A in History which never happened before. Funny thing was, my slip contained all the letters ranging from A-D which ended up being a joke between my family and I, that went something like,
"Oh, they want an A? Here's an A. Wait, you need a B? Cs too? Don't worry, she's got 'em all."
In the end, I was proud of what I got and plus, there was no way to go back in time and change it now, is there? So, no matter what the results, whether you were over the moon or down in the slumps, after you enter college/university life, it's not all going to matter anymore. Yes, the exams were important but it isn't the end of the world. There're going to be even harder exams coming anyway (ex: my A-levels sigh).
We drove over to my future college after saying good bye to all my friends in school. Since I was on conditional offer because the students registering for the March intake needed to wait for their actual results, we thought ah why not just head over there with it now to gain a full acceptance instead. Back when I was registering with just my trial results, the counsellor told me that I had to get atleast a C in Add Math because if not, I'd have to go for support classes and God bless the fact that I got a C+ because I'm totes mcgoats not up for another maths tuition class because I already have one at home. I got my student ID card afterwards too, which unfortunately looked like a mugshot as does every other one of my formal pictures. But anyway, yay I'm an actual college student!
Another plus is that my friend who I've been friends with since we were 7 who coincidentally is currently enrolled in that college offered to buy me lunch when I'll start going there too. So yay x2 for free food!
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