6 days

(Istanbul - 2014) (yay, I have my own travel photos back on!)

“Music gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination and life to everything.” 
- Plato 

Truth in every word. 

I noticed that I've never really appreciated music for what it was. Back then, it was just something to listen to when I was bored. Now though, it's sort of like a companion (what lol). Weirdly, I listen to music more when I'm sad. It's uplifting. Also, it keeps my thoughts at bay. 

Lately, all I've been stuck with Lewis Watson. His songs are hands down, just pure goodness. Here's links to the playlist I made! --> Lewis Watson

Anyway, my blog just passed 1600 views yay! Honestly, still never really thought it'd get anywhere and that anyone would ever read it. Definitely grateful for it all though! Sometimes I just sit and wonder who in the world reads my blog. Wouldn't it be the coolest thing to be able to see whoever that does? Like, I would literally be so excited to learn who always keep track of my posts and to see any new readers.

At school today though, Iffah told me she read and loved my blog! That which both surprised and moved me. Makes me wonder how many other familiar faces read it other than dedicated reader, my classmate, Aqil.

On another note, exam week's starting next Monday and I am just loathing it ugh. Still feels like I've just finished the assessments. Am really not in the mood to do anymore papers. Also, SPM's coming up in like a couple months and my brain still hasn't properly registered that. It definitely should've already though. There's way too much to finish and cram before November comes by. I can complain about it with all my heart but I know that it's my own fault for not starting early anyway lol.

On a completely different note (I'm running out of things to say when I start a new thing ha), I've been craving a good new movie/show to watch. Doesn't seem like there are any that's getting my attraction right now hm. Kinda want to see Spy though, looks good.


6 days since I started this post and my blogs nearly has 1900 views yay!!

It's a sunny Sunday morning and I just got up about an hour ago. Currently listening to Ed Sheeran too. Haven't listened to his songs in absolutely ages. I remember when he started getting big and when just listening to Ed on the radio was amazing to me. Can't wait till Lewis gets on it too. The other day I head George Ezra playing and just went all "AAAAAAAAH IT'S GEORGE. GEORGE IS ON THE RADIO."

We keep this love in a photograph,
We make these memories for ourselves.

I wish I had taken more photos of the pieces of my life. I don't have much, especially with other people because I used to be really camera shy. I still kinda am but it's not as bad as it was. I'm just going to make a mental note of taking more photos with my friends especially this year since who knows if I'm ever going to see them again after school ends, sigh. Thinking about finishing school is just upsetting. Thinking about leaving the people I've grown up with hurts. I've never changed schools before so yeah, I spent 10 years in the same place, with the same people. Can't believe I'd have to let go of the familiarity I've suited myself to every single day. 

Then again, just thinking about the possibilities, chances and new things that are and could come up in the future is pretty exciting. Who knows where I'd go after school life right. Plus, I can't always be stuck in my comfort zone forever. Life's all about taking leaps. 

Wonder where I'd be in 10 years. 

(aagh, my lips are so dry and they keep bleeding *cries*)  


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