
5.22 pm - monday
(this is not the post I was talking about on twitter)

I just had a sudden realization that I love having my laptop on my lap (duh), being slouched on the sofa with a pillow wall and just typing. Plain ol' typing. On this blog, on Word, on Wattpad. What's better is when you have a keyboard that clicks whenever you press a key. Silent keyboards are no fun. 

I haven't been on Wattpad in a loooong time though. I wrote and posted a story named Agatha. I wanted to post a link to it but I can't find it nor can I log in to the account that I made the story with heu. I'll tell you about it anyway. 

So, there's this pair of twins (who's names I can't remember), who's little sister Agatha gets taken away from their house and so, they of course are trying to find her when they spot a young girl at Agatha's age running into the forest and decided to follow her. Then, something weird happens in between and all three end up in a different world and in the hands of a group led by a 'headmaster'. 

Tada. If I go any further, I'd spoil the story. I'm going to try and find the link again. Hold on. I FOUND IT. Agatha. It's just the first chapter though. Haven't updated the rest yet! Fun fact: I started this story last year for my 3rd term English exam and continued it for my other English school essays. Oh wait, I found the second chapter. It was posted on my other account. Agatha (2)  

3.37 pm - tuesday

I just got back from school and it was alright. 

Lately I've been getting bursts of views on the blog and I'm not quite sure where it's coming from but thank you so much! :) Nice to think that are people who spend their free time reading my blog when in fact, I actually created it as a platform for myself to express on. 

Anyway, I want to let go of certain things I'm feeling right now. I don't think I've been a good person. (I'm not doing anything illegal don't worry). I feel as if I haven't appreciated or given enough to people who have been there for me. I've been caught up in my own pain and sadness that I want to shut myself out from the world. I thought that everything was too noisy. I mean, I've always disliked loud noises but now it just affects me more and I'd find myself covering my ears, trying to block it all out. It feels horrible and everything seems bleak. I know that I'm the only one who can truly help myself get out from it but I just can't get myself to do anything. Seriously. 

On the same note, I've really got to get rid of this negativity and start seeing the positives in my life again because it's such a waste of time to mope and be dragged into horridness when I could be doing better things with myself. Ex: smile and laugh at stupid jokes all the time again. 


I checked my drafts just now and found an old unfinished post from April that I forgot about and now, I don't have a chance to post it anymore haha. Hurts just rereading it. I've also got another post pending but I'm really really not sure if I'd post it because it's kind of embarrassing...and filled with sooooooo many emotions. 

zz (2). 

Today, I started reading "The Man Who Couldn't Stop" by David Adams. It's a story/study of OCD and damn it's good. 


Have a good day to anybody who's reading this! xx 

And and, go read my friend/classmate's blog as well! He said I was the reason he made one yay! Aqil's Blog