7 am


7 am thoughts. 

I don't know what's right and wrong anymore.
See, now I don't even trust myself,
How'd you expect me to trust anyone else?

I could tell you you're wrong,
But what do I get from that?
Your tears maybe,
All the blame on me, maybe.

So, honestly,
Where's my bloody honesty?
I feel so two faced,
My truth's been displaced.
Thrown away like trash,
Kept behind a safe, locked cabinet in a stash.

That's how the world is right now isn't it?
Lies stacked shelf by shelf,
Lies to pride ourself, prove ourself,
That anything we've done wrong is not because of ourself.

But not everybody thinks like you.
Thing is, the good ones are always subdued.
Being controlled by the sheer fear of being sneered,
They stand alone with almost nobody near.

Nobody near enough to hear their thoughts,
Thoughts if formed would resemble gun shots,
Ones that could kill people like you,
To change the world's view,
To undo the untrue that's overdue.

I wish that I could write my thoughts,
Hands covered in ink spots,
But these thoughts are caught by my mind telling me "You better stop."
So I give in to it,
Losing the ability to speak up bit by bit.
Honestly is it all really worth it?

I'm tired,
I'm tired of being that one person,
Who agrees then disagrees,
Who notices but pretends she didn't see,
Who is always caught in the middle of waging wars,
When all she wanted was peace under the stars.

There's a light to all this darkness,
But that's really something you've got to find yourself.
Forget being upset,
Your thoughts are just filled with saddened violence.
Too bad though,
Cause you can't pull anything off in silence.

There are people out there who are too scared to sleep,
Too afraid to shut their eyes close from the world that made them cry.
Because what if their dreams are better than it seems?
Reality's going to wake them up in screams.

Don't you pity them?
All they have left are the cold cobbled streets,
Let the ringing in your head from the bells make you realise,
They call those streets their home, and we have the nerve to call ours hell.

So get yourself out there,
Hold out a hand,
Tell them firsthand that they're going to withstand whatever comes to them.
"It's going to get better." You'll say,
"Good hasn't come in long time." They'll say,
Their mind's astray,
To them, hope faded ages ago,
Their time's gone real slow.


Aha hey, I woke up this morning filled with random thoughts that rhymed lol so what better thing to do than to let it all out in a blog post right? Pretty proud but sort of embarrassed with it lol but oh well! Practicing is the key to everything.


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