Human Beans

 Remember we are all human, and this is a journey.

- Living Light Blog 

I don't remember if I blogged about me watching Hannah Pixie Sykes' interview with Sophie Eggleton before but I'm pretty damn sure I have, just not sure which post it was in. Oh well in any case, I've just got done rewatching that same interview (link here for anyone who'd like to watch it  ) and again, felt hilariously empowered and inspired. She's such a bloody lovely lady and I'm pretty sure I'm definitely not the only one who looks up to her. Her thoughts on things and the way she phrases it in the interview really make you think twice about how you've been thinking of the same things before. It's quite an eye opener, well at least for 18 year old me who as of now can't really bother with the bigger and more serious issues in the world (ex: politics & such). The things that she and Sophie talk about in the interview are things I can take from and apply to my own teenage life. It's different from having me watch proper adults doing motivational speeches because what they say is relevant to what they've been through at their age and with their wisdom. Although there might be stronger life advice from them, if you can't understand and find the relevancy between their stories and your current life, it does make it quite hard to get anything from the actual talk. Guess that's why it's always more enjoyable to hear advice and experiences from someone closer to your own age. 

random beaut pic of Hannah
I love writing about self-love or self-empowerment or whatever rolls along those lines of making yourself feel better about yourself lol. I feel like in this current time and age, it is definitely one of the more major issues in a person's life. Whether you're a teen or older, everyone goes through the same tumble of self hate, thinking you're not good enough or that nobody loves you, or that you're never going to become successful in life. It's a horrible train of thought to have and even worse is when you are surrounded by people who in a way are reinforcing those 'facts'. I've seen girls on Instagram who have a huge following and in the abundance of "You're so beautiful." comments, there are always the ones that are written out of hate. There are always always people who are blatantly not going to like you for whatever reason. It doesn't matter how good you look or how kind you are in real life or whatever, there are always going to be people who can pick out your faults when other people can't, and it's just sadly something that you have to accept. But at the end of the day, it is what it is. Just a comment left under a photo. It doesn't reflect your true self in any way and it shouldn't influence other people to think of you in that way either. It's so so easy to let yourself go and burst out of your emotional bubble and take the burden that you hold onto someone else, be it someone you know or not. Hateful comments are just so redundant. I mean, even for me, I obviously do have my moments where I think oh shit what the hell are they wearing/doing/wtv, but to me, I understand that I shouldn't feel the need to emit my dislike for it and shove it right in their faces because I know that as long as it is something that makes them happy, who am I to say that it's wrong.

A person might be angry because of something happening at home, but because they have no where else to discard the anger, they take it out on through hating on other people who are perfectly going ladida through their own life and not even bothering theirs. Sometimes, it's just the jealousy that results from seeing the other person living the a life that you'd love to have. 

I know that I write about this a lot and that it may be boring to read over and over but I'd like to just see it as a reminder for girls and guys alike out there, me included, who are feeling that way, that there is a way to fix it. The phrase "It's going to be alright." might sound like utter bullshit to some ears but the fact is that, it is going to be alright. Even if alright is not coming tomorrow, it's never not going to come, you know what I mean? You are in control of your own happiness and when you forget that, you're never going to be happy. Not everybody cares about how you are and how you're doing and how you're feeling so why bother putting that responsibility of providing you happiness in another person?

Life is pretty hectic for everyone. Sometimes you just have to sit and think about your faults and find a way to justify and in the end accept that you are responsible for your own actions whether good or bad and let it go. There's never a need to dwell and hold on to the anger or the sadness that you've felt before because it's a memory, no matter what you do to forget it or even if you're constantly thinking about it, it's always still going to be something that already did happen. It's not going to change that fact, you know? Undeniably, accepting faults for some people are going to be quite a challenge. There's always that thought of I did this this and this and you're the one that's wrong. As people, we always have the need to protect ourselves from threats and oncoming danger, and it's the same applied to socializing and dealing with arguments or misunderstandings. When the idea that the other person has is going against what you think and believe in, we'd constantly have the need to reject their idea because it's shaking the foundation of your own and having the feeling of doubt about the thing that you're holding on to is an unnerving sensation. 

For me, I've come to accept that no matter how much I'd like to always see myself as a kindhearted positive friendly soul, I'm not. Whenever I've been a bit of an arse to someone, I'd talk about it to my friend and use the hashtag #scumbagsarah (which came about after I accidentally gave him the wrong math answer). It's always nice to have a bit of a laugh about yourself and not taking it too hard, you know. Like, it's just one day lost in terms of all the good days you had and will have. To me, it's a realization that oh, I should really make the best out of tomorrow then because I don't know when I'd have my next bad day, so it's always good to keep hold of what you have at the moment. 

PS. Here's something nice to fill your time and mind. It's All Okay ep. 1: January Resolutions <--- Link to Anastasia Tasou's monthly podcast. She's one of Hannah's best friend and co-author of their Key Zine and Balance books. 

[ On another note, I've just spent 20 minutes stalking a Kate Middleton fanpage on Instagram and have concluded that I adore her as much as I do Hannah. She's so well dressed and well spoken, it's amazing. Plus, who doesn't love seeing photos of the little cutie Prince George and Princess Charlotte as well. ]


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