Anyway, about lions

{ photo from tumblr but I'm sure this is Amsterdam } 

I don't have a quote to place here but I like starting my posts with this font so yeah.

If only I had written all my posts with that font. It'd look pretty but I find that there's a little bit of a hassle when reading it compared to the default blog font.

So, to start my actual body of this post, I'd like to say that I'm trying to stop using the word 'anyway'. I use it far too often here.

It's 7.17 in the evening currently and I'm slouched in a horrible (back aching) position on the couch with the laptop on my lap and George Ezra's songs on repeat. I should be studying though. Then again, when am I ever not 'supposed to be studying'. zzz

Exam's coming up in two weeks and I still feel like we've just had our assessment tests. There's 10780418310 things I've got to cram in my head but all I've done is procrastinate. Behold the study/work cycle of a student.

gets work ---> looks at the target date ---> thinks 'ah, I've got 

loads of time to do this ----> never does it ----> regrets 

Anyway (ha he ho hi hu ha), the other day whilst sick with a cold and had to stay home from school, I decided to rewatch a documentary about Kevin Richardson. He's more known as the lion whisperer though which fits him. It's definitely my favourite wildlife documentary or any documentary in general because THERE ARE SO MANY ADORABLE LIONS. Also, he has an absolutely amazing relationship with the lions in his sanctuary. The lions treat him like one of their own. They hug and curl up with him when he goes visiting and I'm so envious. It'd be like a dream come true really if I ever have a bond with lions like he does. 

On another note, I wonder if the picture for this post comes up on the main blog page. I still can't figure out why the picture on the post before still isn't showing up zzz. 


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