Ten for Tens


Clap clap.

1. What are you afraid of?

I, my friend, literally could go on for hours about things I'm afraid of. Whilst I'm at it, I'd probably realize even more things that are scary and would make the list drag on longer. I think the main thing I'm afraid of would be death. Yes, I'm the kind of person who can't/will not/does not want to watch apocalyptic movies (ie: 2012 which I absolutely refused to see till now) and/or read anything related. On the other hand, I'm also really afraid of lizards. House lizards to be specific because holy flippin balls how DO YOU EXPECT ME TO SHOWER WITH THAT THING STUCK ON THE WALL EYEING ME AND WRIGGLING ITS LITTLE LEGS? *cough* Last month, I ended up not using one of the bathrooms because my brother told me there was one at the back of the door and had to bear with icy cold morning showers daily. Anything to avoid them, ay.

2. If you came upon a large amount of money, what would you do with it?

Firstly, I better have come upon this money the halal way, son. Secondly, I'd probably split some up to save for my family and to give away to some charities here and abroad (animal foundations too!!). With the rest of it, I'd just use for shopping as any other person would. Not on anything uber expensive though. I'm more of the kind that prefers buying loads of bits and pieces that would amount to one pricey item. Seems a bit more worth the expenditure or....at least I could justify my purchases better lol.

3. Write about a neighbour. 

There's a Korean family that lives across the hall from me and I've never spoken to them (or my other neighbours whoops) before. One thing I do know about them is that they used to like keeping their door open for some reason and whenever I came back from school, I'd accidentally look like a creeper by looking like I was looking into their house. Look look look. This one time though, I came across their son sitting in front of the door which scared me a little before I realized he was just locked out of the house after coming back from school (he was in his uniform) and waiting for someone to let him in HAHA.

Speaking of Korean neighbours though, I have another that lives a couple of floors above me and I haven't seen them in ages. We used to go to school together (isn't it just the greatest when your friends live where you do to) and I remember the 4 of us (my brother and I, her and her brother (?grammar?)) playing at the playground upstairs and just sighhhhh, those were the good days.

ACTUALLY ACTUALLY, I have two other Korean neighbours that I also used to go to school with too lol. Amazing realisation at 9.17 am. Haven't seen them in ages too though but I remember one of them was named Andrew and he was such a friendly senior.

4. If you had a choice, what would you dream about tonight?

I'd like to dream about my favourite bands of all time. Specifically, about hanging out with them and having them enjoy my company and wanting me to hang out with them more often. I'd probably wake up crying in the morning after realizing it isn't real.

5. Write about a teacher. 

In Form 2, I had this absolutely amazing English teacher we called Mr. J.D. Every time we had class, he was always really enthusiastic and joyful and basically, he was the life of the classroom. He would always encourage us to speak up and to try and try and try and he would tell us amazing (slightly exaggerated) stories about his life and we'd all just shut up and listen intently. The thing that made classes so enjoyable was also the fact that he doesn't rely/use the textbooks and bases his teaching on actual interactions and verbal practices to improve our English. Could definitely say that he was my favourite teacher evuh and I've missed him loads since he stopped working at the school.

6. What are your thoughts on cooking?

I love cooking.....shows. Ha, I can't cook. Mainly because I'm afraid of the stove. I mean, who knows, maybe I could've been a chef prodigy if I actually had put effort into trying. Kudos to all of you who can.

7. Write about a train journey.

I love getting on trains, and by trains I mean the ones on the ground and not MRTs (just because I'm scared of heights). When my family and I were in Salzburg, we had to take the train to get to Vienna and for some reason I enjoyed that train ride like no other. Firstly, there was loads of empty seats in our carriage so we had lots of free space to roam around. Secondly, they give you bloody amazing biscuits as snacks and oh my goodness, those biscuits are one of the main things I miss about Austria because I can't for the life of me find them here. Okay I get that I didn't actually talk about the train 'journey' but to be completely honest, the only thing I remember about it were the snacks.

8. If you could pass a law right now, what would it be and why?

Be kind or be jailed. 

Vote Sarah 4 President.

9. What has made you angry recently?

These minute long videos I've just found whilst browsing Instagram that are the cringiest things I've watched ever. Not to be mean, but the sense of humour of the people who make those videos pisses me off but each to their own, my friend. If you like that kind of lame humour, go ahead. I'm one who loves lame puns.

10. Write about your childhood friend(s).

My childhood friends are friends I'm also currently in college with and realizing how long we've been friends for (12 years), in school together and see each other almost daily, will forever amaze me. They're pretty amazing people and I love being around them considering how comfortable we all are with all these years behind us.



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