Will I

One of the best ways to make yourself happy in the present is to recall happy times from the past. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good. 

- Gretchen Rubin

I want to make a Youtube channel.

Yep, that's right. I said it.

I want to start a Youtube channel.


For real though, i think having one would be so fun and it would be another outlet for me to be able to put myself out there in this other form that other people can take and be like 'oh, so this is what goes on in her head' or 'this is the kind of person she is'. I mean, obviously I am not going to be a 100% replica of what other people make me out to be through my blog posts or other social media accounts, but I think that knowing that people have these different mental images of what they think you(I) are(am) like is kinda cool/slightly scary.

Speaking of that mental images thing I just mentioned, I saw a Tumblr post the other day about how everyone has this little memory of you, and by everyone I mean strangers too. If I bump into someone at a busy mall, they may remember me as the girl that ran into them without apologising. If I offered bits of my food to the stray cat at a stall, it may remember me as the kind hooman who it may allow head rubs without the risk of being clawed at. Now tell me how sorta mind-boggling that is huh.

Anyway back to what I originally was talking about, yeah I'm sort of planning on starting one some time soon. I've been thinking about how all I've really done as a 21st century child is taking selfies and basically only photos of myself and how I find that although photos are valuable no matter what to me, it just isn't AS valuable as if they had more meaning behind them. By that I mean, I want the ability to look at the photo and be having my mind lit up and having all these stories and little details behind the photo shot that I can tell other people as well. Like, what interesting story can you have behind selfies that you take aimlessly while you're bored at home? This ability of course, is heightened when you put them in a video format.

In addition to that, these things are always going to be mainly for memories. There's nothing worse than going somewhere amazing and forgetting to document it in some way or another. Okay, there are obviously other even worse things but shh. How lovely would it be to watch yourself when you were younger and the things you went through or enjoyed and how it led up to you the way you are in the present times and how you've changed since then.

Again, if I were to make this Youtube channel, then I'd most likely/would like to post videos that are short-film-artsy-vlog-ish type things, similar to stuff that Will Darbyshire (aka one of my favourite Youtubers that I've mentioned in previous posts– – link to one of his videos) posts. But ay, who knows if I'll ever get out of my lazy state and actually make it work. Hopefully.

[A little add-on here. I recently just watched a French movie called Le Petit Nicolas which was about a little boy who's freaking out after thinking that he is going to have a little brother, so he and his friends try different ways to have the future baby out of the picture, ie. trying to get in contact with a gangster. It's a really cute and childish movie and I definitely recommend it for people who want to watch something easy and bubbly.]

Much love


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