Fangirling over Fangirl

"C'mere", Levi said.
Cath shook her head. “I'm not ready for 'c'mere.'

-Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell 

I adore this book. Absolutely adore it. 

You might think "Ah, it's just the usual teen lit." A little romance and a little drama in between. Girl's meeting guys, guy meeting girls and such that make up the basic structure of most books on the shelves these days. Not that they're bad but sometimes we need a little more than the same thing over and over. Not like I mind too anyway. I like reading in general and could go through any book without care. 

Speaking of that, I've just read about three pages of a business and economics book. Not that I take business and economics in school, nor do I have any interest in them. I just liked reading. 

I know it sounds a little cliche but a book really is a way of playing a movie in your head. You read and you pick up little details about the characters form the author and page by page, you gain more. It's nice being able to imagine the character in your head in the way you make them to be. To be able to build the characters as you go and add little things of your own in them. It's great. 

Ah, back to the fangirling part. Yesterday, I went into the bookshop and got my hands of a book I sort of eyed whenever I went but never got. Fangirl, a book from the same author who wrote Eleanor and Park; a book I wanted to get but didn't too. 

I'm not sure why I liked it so much but I felt as if there was a similarity I could connect to with the main character of the book. Wow, sounds kinda cheesy but yeah, it is what it is. The story plays from the point of view of Cath; a twin, an english major and a Simon Snow fanfiction writer. 

It feels sort of embarrassing trying to explain this so I'm just going to stop there haha. 

Btw, I love Levi xx 

..and Reagan...and Cath, ofcourse. 

((update: adding this!!))

I've been googling about the book and've seen some reviews on the book and most of them spoke about how they could relate to Cath. "It was as if this was a fanfiction written about me.", a reviewer wrote. Glad to know I wasn't the only one. (I mean, not like I could be anyway). 


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