{ Amsterdam // December 2014 }
You know what I inspire to be?
An artsy fart.
I'm one who absolutely adores reading and flipping through artsy (or what I consider to be artsy) magazines such as Kinfolk, Frankie and Spaces.
Saying that, out of the three, I've only read Frankie and own two issues which I love to bits and pieces. You wouldn't know how much care I had for those two copies when I first bought them. I'd take it out of its plastic cover and once done, I'd put it back into it. These are the two that I have.
Issue 60 |
Issue 61 |
I always see Kinfolk issues on the racks whenever I am browsing Kinokuniya but I never really thought of buying them. Their prices are a bit too steep for me considering it's a magazine. However, I am always intrigued by their covers every time they release a new one and I'm not quite sure why. They are all minimalistic (is that a word?), so I guess the simpler beauties are the better ones.
Issue 7 |
Issue 8 |
Spaces, oh, spaces. When shall you pop onto the shelves and racks at Kinokuniya? I've been looking for Spaces issues for what seems like ages now, ever since I first saw them in Frankie (they come from the same company). As someone who loves Frankie and has a love towards interior and exterior designs or houses in general really, I am really wanting to get my hands on this magazine. I mean, those two combined is the best ever possible combination to describe my personal style and what I love in design.
Issue 1 |
Issue 2 |
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