Off the couch you go

"I should stop being so lazy" 

Says I.
 Every year. 

I should really though. I've got the dreams but sigh where are the efforts. I feel like all I do every day after school is to come home and lounge on the couch for the rest of the day. Boring. 

Honestly, I'm jealous of people who are productive and that actually have things to do that they enjoy. Sports as an example. Not only are you not wasting your time but you're looking good too zzz. 

I feel as if every time (okay not every time) but most of the time when I actually get up to do stuff, I get tired super easily then I end up grunting and half asleep. The only productive activity I have that does not include tuition is music class. I love my classes but I'm 95% sure I look so bored whilst in there. I'm not, really! 

I wish I took part in more activities in and out of school. Now that I'm a senior, I feel like I've wasted all those years of participation and looking at them younger kids now with all those years of school to go through still, it makes me a little envious. 

This year, I've really got to try to make the school year more enjoyable and a lot more memorable so that I have many more precious things to hold on to. I think of that a lot but when it comes to actually doing something, I don't. I go to school and it seems like every other day. I meet the same people (that I love to bits) and I do the same things over and over. Complain about class, being late, yelling out questions, grunting over the load of homework, etc. It just doesn't seem special to me and I'd like to change that. 

I want to take more opportunities and chances. I want to have or do something a little different or special every few days. I want to make it worth every single ringgit my parents spent on me. 

                                                               { Amsterdam // dec 2014 }


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