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Mornings are pretty great, if you ask me.
That's right. It's 4am and I'm sitting on my living room floor (finally) updating my blog because I woke up at 2am for no reason and couldn't fall back asleep. Maybe it was from being haunted by the math paper I just absolutely flunked earlier. I'm still super bummed out about it.
You know the feeling when you know you've studied and you know how to do all the questions when the paper is in your hand, but for some reason all the mechanics in your brain are suddenly replaced by old rusty cogs? I do. Because my brain could not process whatever information my eyes ate off that paper. It made me feel more horrible that I would've if I flunked something knowing I didn't study. To add on to this misery was the fact that I was down with the worst and longest lasting cold (flu/sinusitis/whatever) and basically just spent the whole hour and 45 minutes sniffling and wiping runny snot on my Grandma's hoodie. Yes, who knew Grandmas wear hoodies? I didn't until the day we borrowed it and oddly never gave it back.
Anyway, back to not being able to sleep. I feel like my nose is going to fall off my face, and my cheeks are aching so hard. So, here I am watching relaxing no music ASMR cooking (Peaceful Cooking) and googling 'How to heal sinusitis naturally". Apparently the number 1 method is to put on a humidifier but I don't have that so I'm resulting to average joe method of heating a washcloth and leaving it on my face. Haven't actually got up to getting up and doing it yet though because I felt like blogging and how do you blog with a hot washcloth on your face? You don't.
Unfunnily enough, my stomach is going grrrgugugrll, which is probably a sign that I didn't have enough dinner yesterday, which I honestly probably didn't. I remember having a teeny plate of rice and some fries afterwards which I thought was enough considering I actually ate above my usual amount during lunch. Maybe it was a I'm-ruined-for-my-trials coping method, who knows. Also, the Peaceful Cooking guy Ryoya is making a matcha lava cake which looks A-MA-ZING. Weird for me to say considering I don't like green tea. Legitimate green tea tea at least. I'm all up for the fake flavoured green tea Kit Kats and ice creams because those taste like Japanese heaven. For some weird reason I think proper green tea tastes like seaweed and nobody else seems to agree and I'm still sat in a state of confusion. Though, I love seaweed with my heart and soul, but the idea of a drink that tasted like it was a no go.
I'm under suspicion that I have a major nasal allergy issue. I just cannot stop sneezing and it's driving me insane. Though, I'd take sneezes over blocked noses any day. The real question is, do I have Allergic Rhinitis or Sinusitis. I'd prefer the former. Speaking of allergies, when I was in 6th grade, I had a weird allergic breakout to God knows what. Red spots and bumps were literally almost all over my body and they were itchier than ever. It almost seemed like Chicken Pox but I already had a case of Chicken Pox when I was little and rumour (and scientific studies) has it you only get it once in your life because your body becomes immune to the virus. The great thing was, I contracted the allergy or whatever when I was visiting someone at a hospital, so we were like, "We're already here. Why not get it checked?" and little to no effort was needed to coax me into leaving the house for the doctors. Fun times. I also got gifted my first ever graphics tablet when I had that weird rash as well, which in my head totally made up for it. I still have and use the same tablet near 7 years later. Oh and we never found out what caused the allergic reaction but for a while I thought it was because of crabs because I had crab soup at my Grandma's before going for the hospital visit. I actively avoided it until this one time where we had a huge family gathering at this seafood place and the crabs were more than tempting. So I had one and (thankfully) no itchy bits to be seen anywhere.
Holy balls, it's 5.30 in the morning already and I feel like I'm in an in-between state of being wide awake and very sleepy. Honestly though, I think I'm just going to take a good nap after 9 or so. Plus, it's been a while since I've been awake at early morning times like these because I hate losing sleep for anything (lulz). Though, I do love the quietness of this time and how chilled (literally and not) it is. I should probably do this more often.
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