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Hello! x
I actually haven't blogged in more than a week even though the one I posted was 5 days ago, it was one that has been sitting in my drafts for a while now. Yet again, I'm stuck in one of my writing slumps and can't seem to finish any post that I start on. My hands are itching to type up something but my mind's all like "nah man." So here I am, trying once again.
I was planning to write about my umrah experience that I just got back from a few days ago but that seems to be stuck in my head too. Therefore, that just has to wait. Lately, I've gotten really back into my band phase again. I'm all about having random phases of the randomest things. There were times where I was really into rap, crafts, and glass bottles. Why? Wish I knew.
As I type this out, I'm currently listening to The Strokes' Reading set from 2011 and I'm loooooovin' it (ha McD). I've really gotten a thing for The Strokes at the moment not only because they make really good music but they play so good live as well. Plus, after listening to preppy pop songs on the radio everyday, one can't help but be extremely bored of them. Don't get me wrong, radio songs are nice but it's not something I fangirl over.
Last night, I spent 3 hours and a multiple number of layers in FireAlpaca (an art program) to create my own laptop wallpaper by making a collage of my favourite 4 bands. Those of which are Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, The 1975, and of course, my long time love, Catfish and The Bottlemen. ♡ Once I was done with and finally turned it into my wallpaper, I could not stop staring lol. It was so HD and made me so happy. I also loved the little tape details and messy cutting I did so that it looked as if I had cut them out from magazines and taped them all together. Another thing I loved too were the polaroid frames I added along with their signatures. Just, gah.
Now I've got my brother wanting me to make one of his favourite bands too. He has even wrote down the bands and things he wants me to incorporate on the note app so that I wouldn't forget any. Thought I start on it later in the afternoon when I'm bored so that I actually have something to do instead of waste my time complaining how bored I am. My friend asked for one as well of Paramore's Hayley, Halsey, and Yuna, which are his 3 favourite female singers.
"Music can change the world because it can change people."
And, truly it can. I've always seen, heard and read stories of people's experience with music and how they say it saved them. When scrolling through comments of videos from bands like Sleeping with Sirens and Pierce The Veil, two bands which I loved (and still do) last year, I would come across a few comments that wrote about how defeated and worthless they felt as a person, on the brink of taking their own lives, but when the band's music came along, they felt as if they had someone to relate to, someone who understood what they where going through when nobody in their lives did. It saved them.
Catfish and The Bottlemen holds a big part in my heart for the same reason. No, I did not feel like taking my life, but I did have a time where I felt sad and useless, as if everything I did was a drag. I first came across CaTB before I fell in such a place, I used to listen to their performance of Cocoon on VevoDSCVR. Then, I lost them for a bit and re-found them when I was looking for new songs to listen to as I felt empty and bored all the time. Since then, I've listen to most of their songs and watched a bunch of their live performances. Now, when I go back to listen to them again, I get little flashback feeling moments. Conclusion is, I love them a whole damn lot but the chances of them ever coming to Malaysia in the near future is thin. Maybe if I ever go back to the UK, who knows, maybe I'll get my dream to see them play live. (Quick question: How does Bob's glasses stay on when he head bangs to the drum beats?)
Music can do a lot to a person. Say you're listening to a sad love song, even though you've gotten far over your ex, listening to it makes you remember them. Say you're sad, you listen to upbeat songs and your mood would definitely perk up.
People of the indie rock/punk rock/(basically any other genre other than pop) and the people of the pop genre always argue over who has the better music. They say pop music is not made from the heart and is just merely for to attract listeners with their catchy beats and 'meaningless' lyrics. Thing is, there are always the good and bad songs in every music genre. While I think Adele's songs are great, I don't think the same when I listen to LMFAO. The beauty of music is subjective, just as beauty in general. If you like that one band/singer, go ahead. There's really no need to put down the musical likings of other people just because you don't like them. People should be allowed to like what they want without being smacked in the head with the likings of other people who think otherwise.
Anyway, along with this band phase I'm currently in, I've also succumbed to making yet ANOTHER tumblr blog. This time, it's for my musical interests. Just somewhere to unleash my inner fangirl and reblog gajillions of their photos without messing up my main tumblr blog's feed.
I've also come to a conclusion that I'm into mid length brunette haired dudes. As proved by my love for the boys and their hair in these phases:-
1. Van Mccan // Catfish and The Bottlemen
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2. Julian Casablancas // The Strokes
3. Alex Turner // Arctic Monkeys
4. Matt Healy // The 1975
Did I just use that as an opportunity to post pictures of them? Probably.
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