Me neither.
I was just sitting around one day when I got smacked in the face with a realization that I soon need to choose what I want to do/pursue. I absolutely do not know.
One thing I do know for a fact is that I
want it to be art oriented. No cooped-up-in-the-cubicle office-y type job for me.
You know when the teacher asks "what's your ambition?" and all the other kids jump up and confidently yell out their answers. Doctors, lawyers, teachers, musicians, artists & the list goes on. Then, the teacher's finger lands on you and all you can answer is "I don't know.", and he/she will be right up your sorry bum telling you how ridiculous you are and how everyone has an why don't you?
I don't know.
And I guess it's alright to not know. Only for a little while of course, because soon enough you are going to have to make a decision.
I think a problem I have is that I look at other peoples' talents and jobs and I tell myself, "That. That is what I want to do." so I spend the next period of time trying to do what they do and wanting to do/create what they are doing right as of that time, most likely in their time of success instead of figuring out the basics like how they started out because I didn't think it was important. WRONG. It is important so don't skip out on it if you're idolizing someone/someone's job.
Wow this was somewhat inspiring. Maybe not. Probably semi-inspiring. Yes.
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