{ Istanbul // december 2014 }
Oh, yes I do. After rereading the post I wrote before, I realized that I get really embarrassed of publishing stuff like that. Not for any specific reason though which annoys me. Then, I thought "nah, just post it. Not like anyone follows you.", so I did. I insult myself to be confident in myself. That didn't really make sense but
(insult) "Not like anyone follows you"
which leads to
(confidence) I'm going to post it.
Not the best way to gain confidence in doing things but hey, what ever floats your boat.
Honestly, I'm not even sure where I'm going with with this blog. I was reading a fashion blog earlier named TaniaTells, which can I say, was amazing. So, after getting that little ahiwanttodothistoo feeling, I made this blog. Clearly isn't a fashion one, if you haven't already realized...unless you're quite daft and possibly a little blind but that's alright. Now you know.
I don't know where I'm going with this post either. Didn't really think it out nor did I choose a topic. I'm just going to wing it.
Hm, I had really good red bean paus just now. I had 5 really good red bean paus.
Not the prettiest pau there is but it's the inside that matters. I remember my brief pau obsession when I was little. The pink and green (kaya flavoured) ones were my favourites. There are people who peel the shiny-ish skin off before eating it but I eat it as it is because I don't bother nor do I have the patience.
AH, my monday plans may be back on track (woop woop) which makes me really happy although I'm trying not to get to excited just incase it doesn't work out again. But wtv, a little excitement won't hurt.
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