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7.58 am // Monday
It's two days (or is it one? do you count today as well? dunno)till university starts and I am as usual, a muddle of emotions. I reverted back to my original plan/dream of being a child psychologist after of course one too many decisions of changing and switching between wanting to do one thing and then another. But, this time I'm sure. I want to do Psychology.
We got all the registration bits done last week after coming home from a little road trip and it's really taken the weight of "wow, are you even going to uni?" doubts off my shoulder. I didn't really do quite well in my A-Levels unfortunately, but looking back at it, maybe had I tried a bit harder, it would've gone somewhere. Anyway, I actually checked my results whilst I was at a fashion outlet store lol. Was basically walking back and fro throughout the whole store whilst the rest of my family were doing their shopping.
On the brighter side of things, I did get accepted to university and although I'm not taking whatever I originally planned to take up, there's this part inside me that believes that this (psychology) is what I really am meant to take. Pus, it was what I told everyone I met at last year's college orientation I wanted to be lol.
8.58 pm // Monday
I'm probably going to blog my day tomorrow too just to comfort myself throughout the first night away from home. I've forgotten how nice it is to blog everything and to just let everything and anything out just like a diary..but online..and available for everyone to see.
2.38 pm // Monday
I just got back from food shopping for the dorm. Honestly, I don't know what to expect of university life, and additionally dorm life. It's one thing worrying about making new friends and being in an unfamiliar and new environment but it's another to be away from home whilst you're having those worries haha. But really though, I know it's better for me to stay on campus considering the half hour drive (I know it's not that far but my dad's got my brother & mum to send to school and work too) through the morning traffic. Plus, it'll really teach me how to live on 'my own' and stop being so dependent on the people I have at home, who've always held me together as a person. Thinking about it, we've all got to move out of home one day and as with anything else, being independent at a younger age always would be better because when time comes where you've got to be away for longer amounts of time, you'd already be used to it.
Still, I'm as nervous as ever.
8.58 pm // Monday
I finally finished the last bits of packing I had to do before I reach university and go "GAH I FORGOT (insert thing here)". I mean, hopefully I wouldn't have forgotten anything but if ya kno me, ya kno I forget the randomest things all the time. Once in college, I left my past year books inside the mall bathroom and had to (panically) text my friends to go and get it before anyone else does. They did get it back but not before telling me that it wasn't there anymore for the lols.
The only thing I have yet to pack is my duvet & duvet cover which was just washed today and hasn't quite dried yet. Thinking again, I also don't think I've packed my pants yet...or did I? Honestly can't remember which clothes I'd already brought to the dorm. Okay maybe I haven't finished the 'last bits of packing' that I thought I did a couple of minutes ago.
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