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I just recently went on a trip to Thailand.
Bangkok, specifically.
The trip was such a surprise considering the flight was booked the night I finished my last A-Levels paper and that my dad literally didn't say anything about going anywhere prior. Basically, he just came into the room where my mum and I were, and went "Pack your bags, we're flying tomorrow.", and our initial reactions were of course "um what?".
Anyway, tomorrow came and we had two suitcases of clothes and were ready to take off on our random holiday. It was also our first time ever visiting Thailand which was exciting. Fast forward, we got to the airport --> got on our flight --> landed in Bangkok. We arrived at around 5pm which honestly was probably bad timing because it was a Thursday and we didn't know how bad after office hour traffic was going to be. Well, it was bad. Like real bad. Like, if you thought KL's traffic was bad, nuh nuh nuh, you're wrong.
We took off with the friendliest airport taxi driver and had a nice and relaxing drive from the airport heading towards the city. Might I add, the highway roads in Bangkok seem (and probably are) like so much wider than they are here. It was pretty great. That is till...we hit the city area and it was just cars and cars and red lights after red lights. The drive was supposed to be around an hour+, but we ended up arriving at the hotel at 8. Oh, and I don't drive by the way, but if I did, I am 120% sure I would've driven like our taxi driver did a.k.a switching to literally whichever lane that moved even by a little HAHA.
Okay so fast forward again to the next couple of days. We stayed in Bangkok for around 4 days and basically all we did in those days was go to mall after mall after mall. The hotel we stayed at was conveniently connected to a mall that sold your typical tourist souvenir items, and that mall was connected to another fancier Pavillion-esque mall which in turn connected to another Pavillion-esque mall and a long tiring walk across connecting bridges would get you to the huge more affordable 'fashion district' type of mall which was just packed with both people and shops. We also went to the smaller malls that were accessible through walking through outdoor markets which were really cool too.
If I could choose a favourite mall, it would've probably been the one that had Lush in it. Fact: I friggin adore Lush. I could even say it is my favourite store ever, despite only being there twice. Once in Venice, and the other here. Malaysia doesn't have Lush which is just ??????? to me because we should. I'd also probably get a job there. That's how much I love it. Alas, my Lush cravings can only be tamed whenever we stumble upon one overseas.
Dear LUSH,
Please consider opening a store in KL. I'd really appreciate it.
Thanks xoxo
And so, stumbling upon Lush there, aha I OBVIOUSLY had to step inside and just bask in the goodness that is the smell of the store. After a good amount of mindless walking to see and touch almost all the products in there, I left with 4 products (*cough* in two visits *cough* I had to restrain myself from buying more *cough*). I got two solid cleanser bars, a toner, and a fresh face mask. Okay, that fresh face mask idea was probably not the greatest considering it has an expiry duration of two weeks and if you know me, I love using face masks. I know I should've gotten the longer preserving masks but it completely slipped my mind that they even carry those and...the fresh face mask displays were so nice....I was distracted.
On a different note, on our second last day there, we decided to stop by a massage place by our hotel because God knows how crazy sore we were that day from the walking. It felt like the most I've ever walked in a day or maybe I'm just getting old and rusty bluegh. Still, I was super super sore by the end of the day and had this really bad knot on my back. So yeah, we stopped for a family massage sesh and man, oh man, I thought it was going to be relaxing. I mean it was, for a bit. Like the bit where the rub lotion and oils on you, but once they start the actual massaging...I felt like I was getting karate chopped on multiple different parts of my body. Okay, this is probably because I'm pretty small and have never had a massage ever prior to this but oh my goodness, I tried so hard not to make any sound when the lady decided to flip my arm up and backwards, put her knee on my back and cracked it at three different places, or when she grabbed both my arms, crossed it over and back, and pulled on them. This is what I get for getting my first ever massage in the HOMELAND OF MASSAGES.
I couldn't bend forward without hurting for a good two days lol. Anyways, this was my trip to Thailand that besides the traffic and massage, I loved!
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